Budget 2021

Budget 2021

The budget is the GNWT’s plan for spending for a fiscal year. This budget begins April 1st 2021 and ends March 31st 2022. For detailed information about Budget 2021, please refer to:

How the budget works

Each year, the Government of the Northwest Territories develops a budget for programs and services by based on an estimate of the amount of its expected revenue. You can learn more about the GNWT's budget process by reviewing our How the Budget Works document or reviewing the Budget Cycle and Development Process webpage.

How Budget 2021 affects NWT residents, communities and businesses

Budget 2021 recognizes the need for stability and investment to help recover from the economic effects of COVID-19. This budget allocates $2.013 billion in expenditures, and another $441 million in capital investments. 

Economic Recovery and Diversification 

The GNWT is a large player in the NWT’s economy and Budget 2021 is contributing to economic stability by maintaining expenditures with no spending reductions.

Healthy and Educated People

Budget 2021 includes more than $950 million to provide all NWT residents with equal access to health and social services, and career and education opportunities so we can achieve our vision of a healthy and better educated population.

Indigenous Reconciliation and Governance 

Concluding agreements with the Indigenous governments of the Northwest Territories will advance reconciliation by recognizing and affirming Aboriginal and treaty rights, as well as creating the capacity for Indigenous governments to deliver programs and services and pursue their economic, social and cultural priorities.

Protecting our Environment and Addressing Climate Change

The Northwest Territories is committed to meeting its obligations in the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. Budget 2021 includes more than $120 million in expenditures for environment, natural resources and lands, plus capital investments in energy infrastructure.

Safe and Secure Communities 

Community governments deliver services that are vital for the survival of our communities and our economy. Budget 2021 includes strategic investments that will help NWT communities emerge stronger from the COVID-19 pandemic.