Exploring anti-racism
The Government of the Northwest Territories offers anti-racism training and resources for employees to support its commitment to provide a diverse and inclusive workplace.
By learning about anti-racism, managers and employees will be better equipped to dispel common myths and misconceptions about biases, racism, power and privilege so they can take steps in becoming agents of change in confronting racism.
The GNWT's "Exploring Anti-racism" poster is based on an image created by Dr. Andrew M. Ibrahim that interprets the work of Dr. Ibram X. Kendi (How to Be an Antiracist).
The following video expands on the poster and outlines the steps an individual can take to enact anti-racist ideas.Training
The GNWT is committed to providing employee training that supports our goal of a diverse and inclusive workplace on a regular basis.
In March/April 2021, GNWT employees and supervisors will participate in The Equitable Workplace: Cultivating Attitudes of Anti-Racism and Allyship, a workshop series that creates space for learners to explore their own personal experiences with racism and allyship, identifying how these behaviours impact our lives daily, especially within the workplace. This training teaches participants to deconstruct what they thought they knew about these social norms while discovering tools to help them reshape the way they see the world and our interactions with each other.
Information on how to register for courses on the ELM can be found here