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Business Plan: GNWT Annual Business Plan Update 2010-11 (pdf/139.2 KB)
Business Plan: Municipal and Community Affairs 2009-10 (pdf/168.96 KB)
Business Plan: Executive 2009-10 (pdf/113.8 KB)
2009-2010 Discours du budget (pdf/129.38 KB)
Business Plan: Health and Social Services 2009-10 (pdf/192.74 KB)
Business Plan: Transportation 2009-10 (pdf/219.54 KB)
Business Plan: Public Works and Services 2009-10 (pdf/186.23 KB)
Business Plan: GNWT Annual Business Plan Update 2009-10 (pdf/113.56 KB)
Business Plan: Finance 2009-10 (pdf/263.94 KB)
Business Plan: Justice 2009-10 (pdf/168.08 KB)
Business Plan: Environment and Natural Resources 2009-10 (pdf/240.54 KB)
Business Plan: Legislative Assembly 2009-10 (pdf/119.61 KB)
Business Plan: Human Resources 2009-10 (pdf/126.84 KB)
Business Plan: Northwest Territories Housing Corporation 2009-10 (pdf/191.63 KB)
Business Plan: Industry, Tourism and Investment 2009-10 (pdf/407.63 KB)
2008-2009 Supplementary Appropriation No. 2 (pdf/408.23 KB)
2008-2009 Supplementary Appropriation No. 4 (pdf/28.39 KB)
2008-2009 Supplementary Appropriation No. 3 (pdf/433.87 KB)