Community Restrictions and Prohibitions
Communities in the Northwest Territories are able to choose whether or not they will permit alcohol to be brought into the community or if the quantity of alcohol will be restricted or unrestricted.
For more information and details by community, please refer to the information below.
In this section:
Unrestricted communities
There are no restrictions in the following communities beyond those that are described in the Liquor Act and Regulations:
- Aklavik
- Behchokö
- Colville Lake
- Enterprise
- Fort Providence*
- Fort Resolution
- Fort Simpson*
- Fort Smith*
- Hay River*
- Inuvik*
- Jean Marie River
- Kakisa
- Norman Wells*
- Sachs Harbour
- Tsiigetchic
- Wrigley
- Yellowknife*
* these communities have licensed premises and/or a liquor store/liquor warehouse.
Restricted communities
The restriction may limit the quantity and/or frequency of alcohol brought into a community; limit the quantity and hours of sale at a liquor store; or require individuals to seek prior approval from a community alcohol education committee to bring in a limited amount of alcohol into a community.
There are two types of restrictions that can apply:
- Through community options (plebiscite); or
- The Minister may impose a restriction on the operating hours of a liquor store and/or the amount of liquor to be purchased in a certain period (temporary prohibition).
For more information, refer to Community Options.
NWT communities that currently have restrictions on alcohol include:
- Déline
- Dettah
- Fort Good Hope
- Fort Liard
- Fort McPherson
- Fort Simpson
- Paulatuk
- Saamba Ke
- Tuktoyaktuk
- Tulita
- Uluhaktok
No person shall bring into the restricted area, in any 24-hour period, within a radius of 25km of the Deline Got’ine Government John Tetso office building, a quantity of liquor that exceeds the amounts described in any one of the following combinations:
- Combination 1: 1140 ml of spirits and 12 355 ml containers of beer;
- Combination 2: 1140 ml of spirits and two litres of wine;
- Combination 3: 12 355 ml containers of beer and two litres of wine;
- Combination 4: 24 355 ml containers of beer and one litre of wine.
Combinations do not apply to a person authorized by the Deline Got’ine Government to bring into and possess in the restricted area greater quantities of liquor for consumption at a wedding, community dance or other special event.
No person shall at any time have in his or her possession in, or in any month take into Dettah a quantity of liquor that is in excess of the following combinations:
- Twelve 355 ml containers of beer and one 750 ml container of spirits; or
- 4,500 ml of wine in sealed containers.
Fort Good Hope
No person shall bring into the restricted area, in any 24-hour period, within 25km of the Fort Good Hope Community Complex, a quantity of liquor in excess of one unit of liquor of the following types:
- Type 1: 1140 ml of spirits and one dozen 355 ml containers of beer;
- Type 2: 1140 ml of spirits and two litres of wine;
- Type 3: one dozen 355 ml containers of beer and two litres of wine; or
- Type 4: two dozen 355 ml containers of beer and one litre of wine.
Fort Liard
No person shall purchase, sell or transport within a radius of 15km of the building in the Hamlet of Fort Liard commonly known as the Community Centre, more liquor in one week than any three units of the following types:
- Type 1: 1140 ml of spirits;
- Type 2: two dozen 355 ml containers of beer; or
- Type 3: two 750 ml containers of wine.
The restriction does not apply to the purchase, sale or transport of liquor by the Municipal Council or Band Council where liquor shall be consumed at community dances.
Fort McPherson
No person shall bring into the restricted area, in any seven-day period, within a radius of 25km of the Tetlit Co-op Store of the Hamlet:
- a quantity of spirits in excess of 2280 ml; and
- no person shall operate within the restricted area a vehicle having two or more occupants and transporting a quantity of spirits that exceed 4560ml.
The restriction does not apply to a person authorized by the Hamlet Council to bring into the restricted area a greater quantity of spirits for consumption at a wedding, community event or other special occasion.
Fort Simpson
The restriction applies to the liquor store, no vendor shall, during a day, sell or attempt to sell any quantity of liquor to one person that exceeds:
- 1140 ml of spirits and 12 355 ml containers of beer;
- 1140 ml of spirits and 2 L of wine;
- 2 L of wine and 12 355 ml containers of beer; or
- 24 355 ml containers of beer and 1L of wine.
No person shall bring into the restricted area, in any seven-day period, within a radius of 2km of the Paulatuk Hamlet Office, a quantity of liquor that exceeds the amounts described in any one of the following combinations:
- Combination 1: 1140 ml of spirits and 12 355 containers ml of beer;
- Combination 2: 1140 ml of spirits and two litres of wine;
- Combination 3: 12 355 ml containers of beer and two litres of wine;
- Combination 4: 24 355 ml containers of beer and 750 ml of spirits; or
- Combination 5: 1175 ml of spirits.
Sambaa Ke
No person shall bring into the restricted area, in any 24-hour period, within 15km of the Sambaa K’e Dene Band Administration Office, a quantity of liquor that exceeds the amount described in any one of the following combinations:
- Combination 1: 750 ml of spirits and 12 355 ml containers of beer;
- Combination 2: 750 ml of spirits and two litres of wine;
- Combination 3: 12 355 ml containers of beer and two litres of wine; or
- Combination 4: 24 355 ml containers of beer and one litre of wine.
No person shall bring into the restricted area or possess within the restricted area, at any time, within a 25 km of the Tuktoyaktuk Hamlet Office:
- a quantity of spirits in excess of 2280 ml; and
- within the restricted area, no person shall operate a vehicle
- having one to three adult occupants and transporting a quantity of spirits that exceed 2280ml per adult occupant; or
- having four or more adult occupants and transporting a quantity of spirits that exceeds 9120 ml.
The restriction does not apply to a person authorized by the Hamlet Council to bring into the restricted area a greater quantity of spirits for consumption at a wedding, community event or other special event.
No person shall bring into the residential area, in any 24 hour period, within a radius of 25km of the Tulita Dene Band Office, a quantity of liquor that exceeds the amounts described in any one of the following combinations:
- Combination 1: 1140 ml of spirits and 12 355 ml containers of beer;
- Combination 2: 1140 ml of spirits and two litres of wine;
- Combination 3: 12 355 ml containers of beer and two litres of wine; or
- Combination 4: 24 355 ml containers of beer and one litre of wine.
No person shall bring into the restricted area, in any seven-day period, within a radius of 2 km from the Ulukhaktok Hamlet Office, a quantity of liquor that exceeds the amounts described in any one of the following combinations:
- Combination 1: 200 ml of spirits and 12 355 ml containers of beer;
- Combination 2: 200 ml of spirits and two litres of wine;
- Combination 3: 12 355 ml containers of beer and two litres of wine; or
- Combination 4: 24 355 ml containers of beer and one 100 ml bottle of spirits.
The restriction does not apply to a person authorized by the Hamlet Council to bring into the restricted area a greater quantity of spirits for consumption at a wedding, community event or other special event.
Prohibited communities
A prohibition may include the consumption, possession, purchase, sale, or transport of liquor into a community. Any liquor being transported through a prohibited area must be sealed during the time the traveler is in the prohibited area.
NWT communities that currently have prohibitions on alcohol include:
Prohibited area lies within a 20 km of the building in Gamètì commonly known as the Gamètì School.
The prohibited area lies within a radius of 25 km of the building in Lutselk’e commonly known as the Community Hall.
Guests and other persons who do not reside within the Prohibited Area may sell and purchase liquor at the Frontier Fishing Lodge for consumption within the lodge or its immediate precincts. The owner/operator may transport, arrange for transport of liquor required to stock, provided that no seals on any of the liquor containers are broken.
No person who is a resident of the prohibited area and who works in or is a guest of the lodge shall purchase, sell or consume any liquor in the prohibited area and in this particular lodge.
Nahanni Butte
The prohibited area lies within a radius of 15km from the building in the community commonly known as the Old School.
The prohibited area lies within a radius of 30 km from the Wekweètì Community Office Building.
The prohibited area lies withing a radius of 25 km from the building in Whatì commonly known as the Mezi Community School.
K'atl'odeeche First Nation
Alcohol is prohibited K'atl'odeeche First Nation territory under the Indian Act of Canada.