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Interim Estimates (Operations Expenditures) 2024-2025 (pdf/1.37 MB)
Supplementary Estimates (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 3, 2023-2024 (pdf/856.87 KB)
Supplementary Estimates (Operations Expenditures), No. 4, 2023‐2024 (pdf/952.61 KB)
Public Accounts 2022-2023 - Tables (xlsx/173.59 KB)
The Fiscal Strategy for the Northwest Territories 20th Legislative Assembly restores fiscal sustainability through adherence to the Fiscal Responsibility Policy.
Restoring Balance: A Fiscal Sustainability Strategy for the 20th Legislative Assembly (pdf/561.66 KB)
2022-2023 Public Accounts - Financial Highlights (pdf/1.03 MB)
2024-2025 Capital Estimates (pdf/6.26 MB)
Supplementary Estimates ((Operations Expenditures), No. 3, 2023-2024 (pdf/1.13 MB)
Supplementary Estimates (Operations Expenditures), No. 2, 2023‐2024 (pdf/282.9 KB)
2023-24 Consolidated Budget (pdf/1.83 MB)